Our services

Handling of complaints

Hands picking red apples and putting them in a bucket
  1. How to make a complaint

    For us it is important that you as customers are satisfied with our service and products. If you have a complaint, the simplest way is to contact us through Contact Centre +46(0)771-22 11 22, Contact Centre Corporate +46(0)771-33 44 33 or visit one of our Branch offices.

    If you don't have Personal service via telephone, please activate the service here:
    Contact us

    If you are not satisfied with the initial appraisal of your complaint, you can appeal the decision. 

  2. Appeals of complaints decision

    If you are not satisfied with the decision on your complaint made by Contact Centre or the Branch office and want to have your complaint reappraised, you can contact Swedbank’s Complaints Officer or Customer Ombudsman. Describe, preferably in writing, what you feel is wrong and who you have been in touch with regarding your complaint.

    Fill in the form Appeal of the bank's decision (pdf).

    Please fill out the form as fully as possible. The form can be sent in digitally or by post.

    1. Submit the form digitally by clicking on the “Send an email” button if you complete the form online.

    2. Send us the form by email to: 

    3. Send us the form by post. If you do not have access to the form itself, you can send a description of what has happened.

    105 34 Stockholm

    If your case concerns insurance products from Swedbank Försäkring, contact Swedbank Försäkring directly by letter or e-mail.

    Swedbank Försäkring, Klagomålsansvarig
    105 34 Stockholm

  3. Dissatisfied with the bank's final decision

    If you are not satisfied with the bank's final decision after the reappraisal by Swedbank’s Complaints Officer, you may turn to the external alternatives described below. You are also always free to approach these instances after the bank’s first decision.

    If you are a corporate customer, you are limited to the district court for further review.

    Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN)

    Kungsholmstorg 5, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm, phone 08-508 860 00

    The National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) is a public authority whose main task is to impartially and free of charge try disputes between consumers and business operators. The filed complaint must be in writing. For the Board to try the dispute there are certain value limits as well as time limits that have to be met. The bank undertakes to assist the National Board for Consumer Disputes in the Board's settlement of the dispute.

    Consumer guidance

    Consumer guides available in many Swedish municipalities supply free information and advice regarding household economics and legal issues.

    The Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau (Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå)

    Box 24215, 104 51 Stockholm, phone 0200-22 58 00

    An independent agency whose objective is to meet consumers' need for information and advice regarding financial services and support in dealings with finance companies. The agency is in contact with complaint officers at banks and securities institutions.

    District court

    A case can always be referred to a legal review at a district court.

    Special information

    Agreements that you have entered into as a consumer with the bank via online banking or the mobile app

    If you have entered into an agreement with the bank via online banking or the mobile app, and a dispute has occurred that you are unable to resolve with the bank, you can use EU's Online Dispute Resolution platform.

    In the form on the online platform, use the following e-mail address to the bank:

    Also when you file your report via the online platform, the matter will be sent to ARN for consideration. Find more information about online dispute resolution at Konsument Europa.

    Handling of personal data

    If you feel that your rights regarding the handling of your personal data are not fulfilled, you have the right to contact Swedbank with questions, request of register extract, request of revocation of consent and request to assert other rights.

    If you wish to submit a complaint regarding the handling of your personal data or rejection of any previous requested rights, then contact Swedbank’s Data Protection Officer in writing.

    Swedbank Dataskyddsombud
    Swedbank AB
    105 34 Stockholm

    Read more about personal data handling and other points of contact at Swedbanks home page and in Swedbank Group Privacy Notice. 

    You have the right to submit complaints regarding the handling of your personal data to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten) if you feel that the handling of your personal data infringes on your rights and interests according to applicable law. data

    Swedbank Group Privacy Notice (pdf)

    Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection,